[그림으로 원서읽기] James and the Giant Peach - Chapter 3
2017. 3. 20. 03:08
James and the Giant Peach
Chapter 3.
James heard a rustling of leaves
(바스락거리는 소리)
a face that was covered all over with bristly black whiskers.
(뻣뻣한 털이 많은, 꺼칠꺼칠한) (눈썹, 수염)
"Come closer to me, little boy," he said, beckoning to James with a finger.
(오라고 손짓하다.)
The old man hobbled a step or two nearer
(다리를 절다. 절뚝거리다)
he breath smelled musty and stale and slightly mildewed, like air in an old cellar.
(퀴퀴한 냄새가 나는) (빵이나 케이크가 오래된) (흰 곰팡이가 핀)
opening the bag and tilting it toward James
(기울이다, 젖히다)
He was crouching a little now